
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 7 -- still going strong

I am grateful to check in and report that I am still sending the energy of love into the Infinite Quantum Heart-Space between my hands. I haven't missed a day for 7 days. This is the very early steps of a 12 year journey.

I am finding that this practice washes out the cobwebs and keeps me aligned with my higher purpose of increasing the potency and power of pure love in the world. I am making my contribution, which feels really good.

I am going to get back to finishing my book now.

Just wanted to check in with myself and this blog and say -- AWESOME!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day 3 -- feeling great

It is now day 3 of my 4,380 day commitment to send the energy of love into the heart-space between my hands. I am nearing completion of my book, which I fully intend will hold and communicate a high charge of unconditional love to anyone who touches, reads, and works with the 8 commands of awakened love contained within it.

On this 3rd day, I stopped on my way up Highway 243 on my way back from court (I am a lawyer). I parked my car at the Lake Fulmer parking lot, and pulled open my heart-space and held it between my hands. I communicated love into this space for around 15 minutes. My minimum is 12 minutes every day.

I am hoping to do another session tonight.

I want to honor another "me" from the past -- Danny of January 1, 2010. On that day, I made this very same type of commitment. I committed to send the love into my book, The Universal Life Force Energy Exchange, every day for 12 years. This was a book where I pasted names and photos of people and sent them the energy. It is an earlier version of my current work.

I think I lasted from 1 to 2 years. I totally honor this beautiful earlier version of me. He made a gallant effort. The changes that were coming to him were monumental. The emotional pain that was coming to him was excruciating.

The love that he sent for that 1 to 2 years helped him get through the next 7.

Now, I am inviting him into my heart-space.

Together, we are going to transmit the highest vibration of pure universal love into the heart-space between our hands.

4,377 days to go.



Day 2 under my belt

I am so happy and grateful to have completed day 2 of this incredible 12 year journey. More to come...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

My 12 Year Daily Commitment To Transmit Love to the Heart-Space Between My Hands

I am so honored and so deeply humbled to be making the commitment to transmit the energy of love through my hands -- and into the quantum space between my hands -- every day for 12 continuous years without missing a day. So that would be from today, Sunday, September 24, 2017 through Monday, September 24, 2029.

I am working on a book that will describe this method in more detail, but for now, here is a brief description on how to create an energy space of love between the hands -- and to send love into that space:

1. Hold your hands apart with the palms facing each other. Imagine you are holding an imaginary ball of light. It could be the size of a soccer ball, a softball, or a cantaloupe. Just imagine that this ball of energy is between your hands. You could also cup your hands together with plenty of open space between your palms. You get the idea.

2. Connect with your heart-space of love.

3. Begin taking deep and continuous breaths. Filling and emptying your belly and lungs completely. With each in-breath, expand and raise your heart-center to merge with the highest vibration and consciousness of love that you are. With each out-breath, flood that energy of love through your heart, through both hands, and through your third eye -- and into that space between your hands.

4. Keep breathing and flooding the love, and keep your breaths continuous and unbroken, with no pauses between them.

5. Do this for more than 12 minutes, preferably longer.

6. When you are finished, imagine that you are placing that ball of light into the center of your chest.

So that is the basic method. More will be discussed in my upcoming book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind, soon to be self-published.

With the power of your intentional imagination, place people, geographic areas, relationships, animals, and even the entire planet between your hands. The truth is that love is the energy that is equally present in every rock, object, tree, person, plant, animal, and molecule of air and water on earth. Love is also present in all moments of time and space as well.

The more you send the love into the space between your hands -- and keep practicing, day in and day out, you will get better and better at it. You will feel and see the energy flowing. Your consciousness of love will grow bigger and more amazing by the day.

I just wanted to rip out a post that declares to the inner and outer universe the exact nature of this commitment:

I will send the energy of my highest love into the quantum heart-space between my hands every day for 12 continuous years, without missing a single day. I will do this for more than 12 minutes every day. I will deliberately set aside conscious time to do this to where I am focused solely upon this sacred practice. As long as I am alive and breathing, I will be sending the energy of this love to all lthat I consciously place into this space through the power of my deliberate intent and creative imagination.

I now send the energy of my love, persistence, and determination to each and every day along the path of the following 4,380 days. I send my love to the Danny who made it to Monday, September 24, 2029, and open my heart to receive the love flowing back from him. We are both collapsing time together in the holy sacred name of love. We are both sending love to every moment of the following, and preceding 12 years.

Letter back from future Danny of September 24, 2029

(In this space, I promise to write a letter back to myself, sharing my insights and sending my love back to the me of today, right now. I am feeling tingles of love flowing from the future. I really am)

Letter back from Danny of January 20, 2018

Hey buddy, I totally love you. You made it almost four months -- so today, we are starting again. You game? Great!

Let's go!




P.S. ---> I am probably a month away from publishing my latest book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind -- which is a collection of 8 heart-commands of awakened love that we get to anchor into our hearts and minds together -- all while sacredly entangled and commingled in the greater energy of universal love.