
Sunday, December 31, 2017

The highest love that I am...

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

This is the first command of the Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. It is a powerful invocation to our higher selves to anchor ourselves inside our bodies in every moment as love.

The highest love that I am...

This part of the command is an acknowledgment of who we are on the highest and on the deepest level of our beings.

is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind...

This part of the command is where we are making a commitment, moment by moment, to live our highest love. We are saying that love is awake inside our bodies, and that love is awake as our bodies. We are literally intending that our bodies and minds BECOME the energy of love, or perhaps better put, that we shed the illusions and remember that our bodies and minds HAVE ALWAYS BEEN the energy of love. Either way, there is a death involved.

The death of our separateness.

Of our smallness.

Of the illusion that we are insignificant.

Of our unworthiness programs.

This death takes courage, so working with this command takes courage.

It isn't easy, but the rewards are amazing. With continued practice, we will begin to experience deeper peace, more fulfilled states of creative flow, deeper connections, and more ecstasy in our every day lives. But there will be unconscious globs of pain, sadness, and grief that will come up. We are plunging the highest love that we are inside the cells of our bodies, which has been a gnarly forest of old conditioning for quite sometime. So we have to have staying power.

The practice is to literally tap this command directly into our subconscious minds using the medium of our heart-fields and our physiology. Many experts believe that the body IS the subconscious mind, or holds the subconscious mind. So as we utilize our physiology to see, feel, and intend that this command is tapped inside the roots, cells, and alleyways of our bodies -- then we are directly reconditioning our subconscious minds.

You can begin by simply repeating the command 12 times in a row while tapping the center of your chest. When you are done, relax and see how you feel. As you do this, 1) you are connecting on a heart-centered level with everyone else who is repeating it, and 2) you are receiving the life-force energy of love that is communicated into and through the command. It will heighten your vibration and dislodge stuff from your memories and from your subconscious mind that need to be released.

Come back again and again to work and rework the command into your system. There is more in the book, but for now, just begin repeating it.

With time, it will totally transform every area of your life because you will begin to remember you are love, have always been love, and therefore, are free, and will always be free.

So it is not the command itself that does the work, but your own innate intelligence of love that is awakening from within you, that is the mover and the shaker.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is an energy space of love, and a broadcast of love. Each and every book in print is commingled on a heart-based intentional level with every other book -- and the energy of love flowing through one, flows through them all. With this book, you have an invisible connection with everyone else tapping and repeating these sacred commands.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

A new way to rapidly absorb the heart-commands

I have been feeling depressed, suppressed, sad, and lonely lately. It has been a quite deep process. A few days ago, I did an 8 hour period where I repeated, felt, and vibrated Command #1 as often as possible. It was quite intense. I did this in preparation for doing a full 24 hour blast (from 6 pm to 6 pm.) in the coming weeks.

But that 8 hour period left me feeling quite vulnerable, sensitive, and exposed. It has brought up a lot of grief and sadness. I also started taking CBD Hemp oil (no THC) and one night I had a lot of emotional dreams where I was crying, and it has also left me feeling kind of heavy in the head throughout the day. I don't feel high from it, so no worries with my sobriety.

Nevertheless, I have discovered a new way to rapidly absorb the heart-commands.

I open the book to each chapter, take deep breaths, and skim my fingers over the words of the command 12 times while I also: 1) take deep breaths, 2) rapidly skim the command, and 3) feel the essence of the command anchoring into my heart-field.

I did this with all 12 commands, one right after the other, and I can really feel them humming inside me.

If you have the book, try this method. 

If you don't have the book, try this method with your own affirmations.

This is a powerful way to combine 1) the mind (thought), 2) the breath (energy), 3) the body (physiology), and 4) the heart-field (love) to deepen these commands into our hearts, bodies, and minds. I am finding it quite enjoyable.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The spirit-pulse to amp up this process

I am not really sure what I want to say today, except that I need to start sharing more on this blog. I am feeling a deep soul question arise in me, What are you doing? Is what you are doing in alignment with your overriding mission in life?

It is time to step up and really go for a deeper and more potent awakening in my life. There is a paragraph from a chapter of the book that reads as follows:

"There will be many moments in this journey together where we simply must tap into deep reservoirs of strength and courage and take the whole process up a notch. We are stronger, more powerful, and more beautiful than anything that may have happened to us in the past. We are stronger than our conditioning. We are larger than our stories. We are way more than we can possibly imagine. We are universal beings energetically clothed in our beautiful but temporary human forms."

I am really feeling pushed by Spirit to take this process up a notch, especially when it comes to Command #1: The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

I am feeling the spirit-pulse to do a 24 hour period of repeating this command continuously. I have an idea as to how I would do it. I would lock myself up in my small apartment in the mountains and simply repeat, feel, and vibrate the command for the whole 24 hours, from 6pm Friday night to 6 pm Saturday night. I would repeat it aloud for periods, in a whisper for periods, silently for periods, and I would breathe the affirmation for periods. If I had to sleep I would do short naps like for an hour, and listen to the affirmation with headphones as I slept.

Then I am feeling the further impulse to do 13 twenty four hour periods of repeating the command between now and January 1, 2019. Whew. In looking at this mountain, a part of me says, "hey, your life is not forever, you need to really amp up this practice for the benefit of yourself and everyone around you."

My intention is that after the 24 hours, there would be nothing left of me but the vibration and consciousness of love.

Of course, this isn't required for everyone -- it is something that I am wanting to do for myself, because I am the author and teacher of this material, I want every cell and atom of my body to resonate with the truth of these command.

I want to be authentic and live what I teach.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Sunday, December 17, 2017

How to broadcast and channel universal energy and love

We are intimately interwoven within a grand fabric of universal consciousness and energy -- and the overriding characteristic of this larger field is love. Universal love intrinsically knows how to flow through the human body, and the human body intrinsically knows how to allow and direct that flow. In short, we are hard-wired to universal love.

Here is how to channel the universal energy of love through your form to improve your life and the lives of everyone around you:

Take a deep breath, all the way in, and as you do, imagine and intend that the center of your chest opens, expands, and rises -- and the energetic space in the back of your head, at the top of your spine, opens as well. Expand and raise your heart-field up through your medulla oblongata.

Release your breath, all the way out, and relax your body completely as you flood the energy of love back down through your body.

Breathing in again, opening your chest and your medulla, expanding your heart-center to merge with the universal consciousness and energy of love...

Breathing out again, flooding the energy/love back down through your body, heart, cells, mind, and emotions.

Keep breathing in this way, intensifying your heart's passion as you raise it up above your body -- and cascading that energy of love through your body for the immediate benefit of yourself and all life around you.

Keep your breaths deep, circular, and continuous -- allowing the in-breath to merge with the out-breath, and vice versa.

Your heart-center and medulla oblongata are opening and expanding in unison, scooping up more and more energy from the universe and overflowing your body with this love. You can then direct it to any person, any form of life, in any place or time.

Alternatively, you could simply forget the above instructions and take deep and continuous breaths while holding the intention in your heart that universal love will flow through your body with each and every breath you take.

This is a shortened version of the basic method found in the book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is a book that is itself a quantum space of heart-entangled love. In this space, we get to connect our heart-fields to a larger vortex of intention and energy to anchor the 8 Commands of Awakened Love into our chests, cells, and atoms. This is intense work, and is ready-made for the emotional and spiritual warriors who are determined to help raise this planet to higher levels of energy, compassion, and love -- beginning with loving themselves fiercely and unconditionally.

Click here to wander over to my other blog.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Stepping out - first video about my book

I was taking a hike in the mountains and had the impulse to record a video about my book. I resisted that impulse greatly. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to put myself out there. But I did it anyway.

I am also purposely leaving in the nervous moments, and a few flubs in speech. The whole point of this book is that we get to be fully human and divine at the same time. We get to embrace our nerdy-ness, our mistakes in speech, and our vulnerability. In this spirit, I am stepping out to practice what I teach. Not easy.

So here it is:

One excerpt deals with how we may experience blowback when we start intensely reconditioning our subconscious mind to reflect the highest love that we are, stuff may come up to scare us back into the basement of our comfort zones. With this book, we are stepping boldly into the wholly awakened magnificence of who we are, and this magnificence embraces all our vulnerable moments, all our fears, and all our courage.

There will be more videos to come. This is the very first.

The First Command:

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

Speak the above command with passion, power, emotion, and strength. Speak it aloud, in a whisper, and silently. Broadcast it energetically from your heart. Let it rouse the magnificent universe of love within you.

Come back to repeat it again and again.

Each time you do, you will be heart-connecting with everyone else reading this page and repeating this command in any place or time.

One incredibly amazing point about this book:

All copies of this book that are in print, are intentionally and energetically entangled in the name of love, and receive ever-increasing flows of universal life force energy (love) for the benefit of everyone who picks it up, reads it, or taps the commands into their heart-fields. Just by holding the book in your hands, you are receiving this life force energy for your highest and greatest good.

This love is flowing through the hearts and hands of myself and everyone else who reads it and sends their highest love through its pages.

If you are an emotional warrior, if you are feeling into the power of your own vulnerability, if you feel sad, broken, a mess, but still are committed to rising up in the magnificence of love that you are -- then you have found the right place.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Monday, December 11, 2017

Sending love through our mistakes

Traditionally, I have always been very brutal with myself when I make mistakes. I was so abusive toward myself that I would physically hurt myself. This was way back in college. The truth is that if anyone else treated me that way, they wouldn’t be in my life. But I put up with it from myself?


Why do we do this to ourselves?

And it’s the small mistakes that I have been so hard on myself about. Forgetting my keys. Typos in my books. 

I am better.

It has been a long road. Where before I would berate myself for a good half hour over the small mistakes, now it doesn’t last as long, and it is not as intense. The edge has been taken off quite a bit, and there are times when I am actually quite loving with myself.

But what if all these mistakes, all these errors, were actually opportunities to send our highest love into form?

Try this:

The next time you make a mistake, like dropping something, or forgetting something, or making a typo in life, take a deep breath and flood your highest love through the opening created by that error.

You may forget to do this. I do. We all do. So after (or as) you are reading yourself the riot act, take a deep breath and love yourself. 

Better yet, take a deep breath and send some love to the part of yourself that is doing the berating. It makes matters much worse to beat up on the internal beater-upper.

This takes practice. 

But you can interrupt the “beat on yourself for being human” pattern with one deep breath of love.

And another, and another.

Over and over again until our human selves feel loved and honored by our higher selves unconditionally.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

The process of anchoring The 8 Commands of Awakened Love into our chests, cells, mind, and emotions — cultivates a state of unconditional self-love. If you haven’t given yourself the gift of this book yet, you can do so here.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Waking up to a new routine

I am so honored to wake up to a new routine.

Taking the advice of Mel Robbins from her book, The 5 Second Rule, I have decided to start my day in a totally new and different way. Instead of getting up in exactly the amount of time to get my daughter to school and myself to court on time, but then wasting a few of those precious moments on social media while laying in bed, leaving me in a frantic mess for the rest of the morning...

 -- Now I am getting up a half hour earlynow I am leaving my phone in a different room and not even looking at it until I have given myself at least a half hour to take care of myself, set my intentions, etc.

Here is what I do:

I get right up using the 5 Second Rule, and then I shower and make my tea. I then sit at my dest and breathe deeply for 12 to 14 minutes, sending the energy of love through my hands, and into everyone contained on my heart-space list. I then contemplate what is important to me, and decide on a few actions to take.

Then I get the morning rush going.

Wow! -- Yesterday, I tried it while traveling, so the test didn't count. But today, the real test begins. I have not looked at any social media, haven't even looked at my phone, and I have already breathed the energy of love into my heart-space that I symbolically "hold" between my hands.  I am calm and relaxed. I have plenty of time to get my kid to school and get on the road.

Then the impulse hit me to write on this blog. I hesitated. Then I went, "hey!, stop that..." So I did the 5 Second Rule again, and here I am clacking my fingers on this keyboard.

The point of this post is to celebrate the power of taking this period in the morning for me, to take deep breaths, to get the universal energy of love flowing, to cast my intentions, and to put some energy into sharing my heart on this blog. I am so happy to have discovered the simple 5 Second Rule.

I have blogged every single day for 112 plus days in my other blog, and I started this one during those 112 days, so I haven't blogged as much on this one. I truly love this book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind, just as much as I love The Heart-Inspired Millionaire Energetic Mastermind.

I see them as siblings.

So what about you?

Do you have a morning routine?

Have you discovered the power of that extra half hour just for yourself?

Have you heard about The 5 Second Rule?

Tried it?


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Also -- one of the most amazing aspects of this morning routine, is that I am not blasting my brain with social media the first thing in the morning. The very first thing I place in my consciousness is the 8 Commands of Awakened Love -- doing this helps them stick throughout the day. Plus, this morning routine makes me feel super clear throughout the day. Having done this routine this morning, I can feel the 8 Commands humming within my chest more clearly.

Monday, December 4, 2017

We are spiritual bad asses and don’t even know it. Yet, that is.

It's true.

We are spiritual giants in human form.

We are spiritual bad asses and don’t know it. Yet, that is. It is my intention to facilitate the awakening of our spiritual badassery within our every day, most mundane moments. That is why this book came into being.

The way to wake that giant within us is to internally declare with all our might who we are. It is time to stop taking shit from ourselves, from our fears and our patterns, and kick ourselves in the spiritual butt. We are already giants. It’s just the illusion, the delusion, the conditioning, and the habits that get in our way!
Excuse the F bomb, but it’s time to say Fuck That!

It’s time to stop hiding, stop playing small, stop tiptoeing around other people fears and feelings, and rise up.

Rise up in the awakening of that vast universal energy and ocean of pure love waiting to gush through our chests, hearts, minds, eyes, fingers, toes, and whole body.

The ocean is just waiting for our call, our decision, our courage, and our inner declaration.

In this mastermind of the heart-field, we start with this command. You could also call it an affirmation, a declaration, or an incantation ——

Command #1 - The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

Try it now. Don’t wait until you get home tonight. 

Now is the only time we have to remember the passion, power, truth, compassion, freedom, bliss, and joy of love that we are.

There is no other time but now!

Speak the above command with inner fierce authority that is encoded within you as an infinite spiritual being! Speak it twelve times in a row. Tap your chest, pound your chest, drum your chest as you do. Anchor it inside your body, your bones, your cells.

Speak it with the power of someone who is just finished with the bullshit, the fears, the stories. Speak it with the power of someone who is tired of being enslaved to past conditioning. Speak it with the rising heat and fire of your soul.

Speak it from the heart — and with such inner velocity that someone on the other side of the earth will feel your love.

Rise up!


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Sunday, November 26, 2017

We create our lives from within

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” Rumi

In filling our own body containers with the pure vibration of love -- and keep doing so even if we feel heavy or sad -- we are serving the planet in the highest way possible.

The earth is the body.

The body is the earth.

No separation exists.

What happens within the body and mind is reflected back to us on the screen of life. We are each holograms of the whole. We create our lives from the inside -- both individually and collectively.

This mastermind of the heart is here to help us anchor the highest truth, feeling, consciousness, and vibration of love that we are deep inside our bodies. From this grounded place, we can offer all our pain and all our agony the sweet nectar of our kindness, gentleness and compassion.

We do this by tapping our chests and repeating these 8 sacred commands, thereby rewiring and reconditioning our subconscious minds.

We do this by breathing open our hearts of transcendent love and flooding that energy back down and through our bodies to serve the awakening of that love on this planet.

We do this by infusing our bodies with the fierce power of radical and unconditional forgiveness.

We do this by getting up again every time we fall down.

We do this by loving, accepting, embracing, and thereby transmuting our feelings of grief, agony, pain, depression, sadness, loneliness, apathy, and despair. We don't deny these feelings and shove them in the basement of our unconscious. We wholly and deeply love it all.

We do this by courageously allowing our greatest joy to rise up inside us, and to live our joy, even if that means other people will feel uncomfortable or even angry.

We do this by holding the planet within our heart-space of unconditional love -- and we do this by deliberately witnessing, envisioning, and creating a new planet that is rooted in compassion, kindness, gentleness, love, and joy.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

If life hurts, if your heart is broken, if you are tired, if you are sad -- but despite all of these, if you are fiercely committed to living the energy of love in each moment of your life -- if you are a courageous warrior of compassion and love -- then just perhaps this book can help facilitate your awakening even more.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Love wakes up our connection with each other

I am so happy and grateful that I am continuing this incredible journey of the heart. Lately, I have been opening the book to page 16 and simply reading the list of 8 Commands of Awakened Love with searing concentration while I take deep and continuous breaths.

I do all three of these at the same time:

1. I fill my belly and chest completely with air... in and out... continuously... with no pauses between breaths.

2. I concentrate my third eye upon the commands with deep penetration as I read them.

3. I open my chest and absorb the commands into my emotional centers, chest, and body.

As I read, I am internally commanding that the entire list of commands are my living truth. On all levels of my mind and body, the commands of Being Love, Flow of Love, Vulnerability, Aum, Gratitude, Self-Forgiveness, Joy, and Service are now my reality.

Further -- I am connecting with each and every beautiful soul, mind, and body who is repeating, feeling, and vibrating these commands in any moment in time. Love is omnipresent, so anytime I connect to these commands with a loving intent, I am connecting with everyone else doing the same thing. That is the absolute miracle and beauty of this mastermind.

To illustrate:

Someone in London, on April 3, 2018 is connecting with someone in South America on August 4, 2021, who are both connecting with someone in Southern Missouri on June 3, 2029. All three people are tapping their chests and repeating the commands with a loving intent -- and in the omnipresence of love -- are invisibly connecting with each other. As a result, the commands vibrate with even more magnetism and energy for all three people.

We humans are energetically entwined on the deepest levels of energy.

Love wakes up our awareness of that connection.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

This Mastermind of the Heart is for spiritual and emotional warriors who are here on this planet to amplify the energy of this love in a major way. This work isn't always easy -- is not for the faint of heart -- but the rewards are truly worth the time and effort.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Where there is resistance there is the potential for growth

Where the resistance is the strongest, the potential for growth is the highest.

This is a truth that I am facing each and every day. This mastermind is emotionally challenging, but deeply rewarding for me. The 8 Commands are designed to facilitate the awakening of the wholeness of love that is already there.

We are already all the love that we could ever want to experience. In the beingness of love, we have everything.

The whole universe is cocooned inside the consciousness of love, and everything we experience is designed to help us move closer to the fulfillment found in dissolving in that love.

Yet, the resistance is strong. My ego fights it every day. My tendency is to crawl up inside my loneliness and not reach, not stretch, not connect. So I am a work in progress. And I honor myself for where I am.

The beautiful part is that we are all works in progress, and we are also the perfection of joy that witnesses that progress. We are both human and divine. Flawed and perfect.

All at the same time.

So here I am -- moving forward -- I am so grateful.

As these commands get anchored in the hearts and minds of more and more people -- this energy field of awakened love will get stronger.

Relationships will become expressions of depth, feeling, joy, acceptance, and freedom.

Our bodies will radiate on more grounded levels with light.

Our minds will become attuned to creative impulses and insights, bursts and breakthroughs that get more and more amazing by the day.

The joy that we are will rise.

The trick is to just keep going -- even if we are slogging through the mud.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Click here to learn more about the 8 Commands of Awakened Love.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The unstoppable power of love

I am so honored and grateful to be a member of the human race at this moment in time. The power of love is truly unstoppable in its transformation of human consciousness. We are definitely in transition from the heavy stagnant energies of fear, apathy, and disconnection running the planet --- to the powers of love, compassion, and appreciation running the planet.

It has been a difficult few weeks for me. I have continued to transmit the energy of love through my body and into the heart-space between my hands. I have continued to work with the 8 commands of awakened love. I have continued to love, accept, and embrace all the stuff that comes up as a result -- to the best of my ability.

Awakening in love is not about being perfect and not making mistakes -- but about allowing the perfection of love to be seen and felt through all our mistakes.

Lester Levenson, the one who originated the releasing methods, said "See the perfection where the imperfection only seems to be."

This is hard when we are feeling stuff that appears not of love. Anger, anguish, apathy, grief, sadness, depression, pain, etc -- these all seem to be contrary to love. However, love is the consciousness and energy that shines through all of these emotions, embraces them all, and brings a genuine compassion to them. Love accepts everything, and meets us where we are.

Not only will everything be okay, but everything is okay right here and now.

Everything is okay right here and now.

There is nothing to fix.

In accepting everything that arises from depths of my body and mind, I realize, awaken, and unleash the unstoppable power of love.

So today, on this Saturday, I am driving to get my precious step son and spiritual teacher, who is autistic, and bringing him up the mountain to our community potluck. He has always been. His consciousness is eternal. He brought me under his wings of consciousness and joy as I helped raise him from age 4 to age 20.

I didn't raise him, he raised me.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

I am so honored and grateful to lay these 8 Commands of Awakened Love at the feet of that unstoppable force of love rising and unfolding through the hearts and minds of human beings everywhere. I certainly don't have them mastered, but am working on it. I love you, my beautiful friend and human being -- whomever you are -- from wherever you find yourself reading these words. Your love is unstoppable!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Loving our vulnerable hearts

I finished a second round of editing out mistakes and redundancy of the book. It feels incredibly good to get my heart fully recorded on the written page. This book is more of a manual for the courageous heart. It is for the sleeping giants of love inside the chest of every human being.

I have also sent the love into the heart-space between my hands every day for 50 continuous days.

This feel good, but I have had some hard days. It's kind of funny to say to the world, "Hey I wrote this amazing book but it is really hard to practice, and it brings up all kinds of grief and sadness, so hey!, please buy it and join the pain-train!"


At the same time, after tapping these commands into my system, I feel so much more grounded in my joy. I feel so much bigger in my heart-center. I feel so happy in doing what I love. Feeling waves of old grief come up surrounding my Uncle Joe's suicide and my brother's death, and... and... and... -- all has not been easy. But now I am feeling like it is a privilege to feel it all.

Around other people, I get really scared. I like to be by myself. I feel like I have been hiding in the panic room of my house, while a holographic me is out interacting with everyone -- the deeper me is hiding in the interior room that is walled with concrete and totally safe from any type of emotional harm.

Command #3 of this book helps us connect with, love, protect, and nurture our innocence and vulnerability. In this vain, I am honoring my inner child. He doesn't want to be hurt, so he is hiding in his panic room. It is totally decked out with everything he needs, and he knows (I think so) that I love him. Trying to break down the wall and force myself into the caves of my vulnerability doesn't work.

It never has.

Instead, it is my privilege to sit at the entrance and love the part of me that is scared and frightened of connection, and loss, and pain, and loneliness.

So I am going to keep working with these commands.

Being the love that we are does not mean we shy away from, or try to bypass, our emotional underbelly. Being the author of this book, there is a tendency to try and present a super happy and balanced person -- so as to sell more books -- but the truth is that this work brings up a lot -- and I am often scared, sad, depressed, lonely -- and I am also happy, joyous, free, and filled to overflowing with ecstasy -- both are true.

As spiritual warriors, we are able to embody emotional polarities.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

This book is for people who willing to look into the face of all human emotions with a fierce commitment to embody the energy of unconditional love. Not an easy task -- but we are up to that task. Yes -- the slumbering giants of love inside these human chests -- we are waking up -- and we are up to it.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Unearthing grief and anchoring our bodies in love

The awakening of the energy and consciousness of pure love within us requires that we feel everything that needs to be felt. In the reflection of this truth, this has been a really hard week for me emotionally.

I listened to the Tony Robbins podcast, where Lewis Howes, the author of The Mask of Masculinity, was being interviewed. He shared some deeply personal and painful experiences of being sexually abused as a young boy. As well, he shared about many of the masks that men wear, how these masks hurt us, and how to live more openly and authentically as our real selves.

This really cracked me open on so many levels.

I lived and survived through sexual abuse as a child as well. His talk also brought up emotions surrounding my uncle Joe's suicide when I was 12 years old. My uncle Joe wore the Stoic mask, and to me at the time, seemed larger than life. He was tall, dark, handsome, and the guy everyone in the family went to for counsel and advice.

He was driving the motorcycle when he accidentally went into a spin that resulted in an accident that took my brother's life. My brother was 16, and his death devastated the family. My uncle felt responsible, and must have carried enormous amounts of guilt. Looking into his eyes at the funeral was like staring into the soul of agony itself.

The accident happened in August, and in December of that same year, my uncle went missing. After a three week search, his body was found, charred and burned. He had killed himself with a 45 caliber pistol and gasoline.

I was 12, and when the news of his death came, and the manner in which it happened -- a switch flipped and I became a dream character living through a dream life. Nothing was real. I buried the pain. It was just too much.

Later in life, as I got sober from drugs and alcohol, I felt the pain and grief of my brother's passing, but rarely felt the pain of my uncle's suicide.

So this week, my heart has been cracked open. As I practice repeating and feeling the 8 Commands of Awakened Love, more specifically Command #1, I am confronted with the truth that this work is not a bypass.

In being love, we don't get to skip over the painful stuff. As a result of this upheaval, I have been angry, sad, lonely, and depressed this week. I have kept up the practice of repeating the commands and doing my love-transmissions every day, but it has been really hard. I feel tired.

~I have felt the wanting to die within me.

~I have wondered how alone my uncle must have felt in the three weeks he was missing.

~I wonder who the last person was that he talked to, the last human interaction he had before he plunged through the door of suicide.

~I have imagined myself in that field where he died, and I do my best to infuse that scene with energies of love and forgiveness.

~I reflect that he often told me that I didn't need to smoke pot, that I could live without it, and I reflect on how much I love him for that. (He planted the seeds of sobriety in me)

~I remember how beautiful he was, and how much I loved him, and love him still.

This brings up a lot of pain -- and now I am feeling strong enough to feel it. I buried his suicide almost 38 years ago (Christmas of 1979). When we bury emotions -- it is often hard to find where we buried them.

And when we plant these powerful commands of the heart inside our bodies -- the love within us knows where these memories and emotions are buried, and wraps them in gentle compassion, while also demanding that they be felt and faced.

Last night I did a breathwork class facilitated the amazing and talented Woman Mystic and Shaman, Trine Bietz, and during that class, was blessed with the plant medicine of pure tobacco. This plant medicine is rooted in the Divine Masculine, and helps me stay grounded in this grief, and not try to bypass it.

Mainly, I send the energy of love to the young twelve year old kid, red-eyed and stoned, completely flattened by the tragedy of death and suicide, living from bowl-of-weed to bowl-of-weed, clinging to life by the thread.

I love him, and let him know that it's safe to feel again.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

You are invited to join me in this Energetic Mastermind where we anchor the 8 Commands of Awakened Love into our hearts, bodies and minds. Keep in mind, it is not for the faint of heart, it is for the spiritual warriors on this planet, who may be feeling tired, broken, scared, and lonely. This mastermind is here to let you know that you are NOT alone.

Here is the 1st one:

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

Take several deep breaths and repeat that command 12 times in a row, with deep feeling, passion, and truth. Feel the energy of pure love that is being transmitted through it's words. Allow it entry into your cells and atoms. Keep coming back every day to repeat this process, and feel the connection with myself and anyone and everyone who is repeating it in any moment in time.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind

I am so deeply honored, humbled, and grateful to share this mastermind of the heart with you. 

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is a book, and also a space where the energy of pure love is transmitted, embodied, and received. 

It contains 8 Commands of Awakened Love -- which represents a radical reconditioning of the cells, body, heart, and mind to the highest vibrations of love, joy, gratitude, self-forgiveness, and service to the planet.

This work is not for the faint of heart. 

~It is for the courageous souls (there are so many of us out there!) who perhaps may have already lived through many versions of emotional hell and still have an open heart, and a desire to open it even more.

~It is for the spiritual and emotional warriors who are willing to look into emotional storms with a fierce commitment to love everything that comes up.

~It is for the lovers of the planet, for the visionaries, and for the sincere hearts who truly want to see love become more visible, real, and manifest in the world.

Inside the chest of every human being is a giant of love supreme -- and these commands are offered at the feet of this magnificence for the purpose of facilitating and nurturing that awakening. 

The practice is simple. Every day, we.....

~Repeat, anchor, feel, and vibrate each of the 8 Commands of Awakened Love within our chests, minds, and bodies 12 times every day. Each time we do this, we tap into the energy field of pure love and connect with everyone else doing the same thing. These commands connect hearts for the highest good.

~Breathe open our heart-fields and flood the energy of pure universal love through our hearts and hands -- all for our own awakening and the benefit of all life. At least 12 minutes of pure-love breathing every day. Ample instructions included, and no experience necessary.

~Look into our own eyes in the mirror and love ourselves unconditionally.

~Write a little bit each day about what we are grateful for.

~Anchor into the highest love that we are, and seek to live that love every day.

~Live from a deep state of openness and vulnerability.

~Commit to loving and accepting ourselves exactly where we are and as we are, allowing the energy of love to unfold our bodies into pure bliss.

~Seek to feel everything that arises, bypassing nothing. The highest love that we are feels everything, loves everything, and embraces everything.

All copies of this book in print, and that will ever be in print, are sacredly commingled and entangled in the energy of love. The highest charge of love is deliberately and intentionally held in the commands themselves, and into each copy of the book, so that anyone who interacts with the book and repeats the commands, receives this flow of life-force energy for their highest and immediate benefit.

Throughout the pages of this book, as you repeat the commands and work them deep into the soil of your heart and mind, you will be connecting with everyone else doing the same thing -- in any moment in time -- and in any place on earth. Love is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Love is everywhere present all the time.

You are also invited to hold this book between your hands and infuse your highest love into and through its pages. Rest assured, that this love will reach anyone and everyone who works with this material in any moment in time.

Tapping these commands into your chest and body takes emotional courage. Stuff will come to the surface to be healed and released. This material will need to be felt and faced. Subconscious blowback may arise. There will be times that this practice will definitely not be easy, and changes won't happen overnight. 

However, if we stick with it -- and keep coming back to the love we are -- deep in our chests -- day in and day out -- then our whole lives will transform. 

~Nothing will ever be the same again.

~The goal is to manifest the highest love that we are in every layer and level of our bodies, minds, and relationships. 

~Literally every area of our lives will reflect our highest, deepest, and most sincere love. Having this goal embedded in our cellular environments will cause contrary thoughts, memories, and programs to alchemize, transmute, or release. This is good! 

~Our relationships will blossom into the highest fulfillment of ecstasy, freedom, connection, and passion. People will flee from our lives and more people will flood into our lives. We will attract deeply loving people into our orbit.

~Our bodies, health, and energy levels will improve.

~Our minds will clear. 

~Our finances, careers, and work will reflect our highest love. 

~Our creativity will deepen and expand.

~We will build an inner subconscious fortress of positive loving thought and energy, creating an inner immunity from toxic energies.

~Most amazingly, the deepest, most transcendent, ever-new ecstasy of pure joy will rise like geysers and wash through our minds and bodies. 

~Abilities, talents, insights, and genius will awaken in us that we never knew existed. 

~We will awaken to the enormous power of our love without aggrandizing our narcissism or our egos in the process. Love is the sole healer and the sole doer, and we are the sacred witness!

~Sweet humility will be the river-beds of our highest joy flooding into the world. 

~We will be beacons and transmitting stations of pure unconditional love for the whole planet. We will tangibly see and witness a whole new world emerging and unfolding before our eyes. We will see and witness how our love directly impacts all life on this planet for the better.

~Our powers of love will awaken, unfold, grow, and expand beyond anything we could have previously imagined!

When we first start to radically recondition our subconscious minds and bodies, it can bring up emotional pain. This is simply left-over material in our minds and bodies that is crying out for our love.

However, we give ourselves permission to feel this short term pain as a path to coming out of deeply embedded, long-term suffering. We are warriors of love, compassion, and kindness -- beginning with ourselves.

So when the going gets tough, and the emotional slogging gets heavy, we simply keep going. We open the book and tap the commands into our chests and bodies one more time, then again, and again, and again. 

We never give up on getting up.

The beautiful news is that underneath all our old conditioning -- deeper than our deepest subconscious minds -- is pure liquid joy. This work excavates our greatest joy, brings it up, and allows space for its expression and fulfillment.

A little background...

This book came out of several years of intense emotional work. As I processed so much emotional material, and dug deeper and deeper, the concept of heart-commands was born. I first wrote the Love Manifest Now affirmations and recorded them into an audio series. As I continued to tap these affirmations into my body -- all sorts of stuff came up. Then later, my abundance book came through me.

With time and many emotional breakdowns and breakthroughs, I kept at it. I realized that the love I am is stronger than all the painful experiences of my childhood. I realized that nothing that happened to me ever touched my light or my joy.

With this realization, I vowed to go deeper... and from this commitment... the 8 Commands of Awakened Love came into being.  

When two or more people repeat, feel, and vibrate the same potent thoughts in their hearts, minds, and bodies -- an energetic mastermind is born. Then the thoughts and commands resonate with even more juice, more joy, and more power for each individual.

A larger energy field of love is created when hearts connect.

It is my hope and prayer that these commands will help lift the vibration of love on this planet, and make this world a better place for our children, and their children, and theirs as well, onward into the future as far as our imaginations can reach and beyond.

If you choose to join this mastermind of the heart, all you need to do is get the book and begin tapping the commands into your chest. My most important suggestion is to KEEP. AT. IT. NO. MATTER. WHAT. This isn't fast food. With time, patience, and continued practice -- nothing will ever be the same again. I suggest doing this work for a solid year to see the most incredible results.

Better yet, join together with a friend or partner to do this work. These commands transform relationships!

The most beautiful aspect of this work is that it feels so good to be in the heart. Even with uncomfortable feelings and pain that may arise as a result of this reconditioning, the joy that we can get to is beyond all description. 

In the end, and in the beginning, and in all points of our journey, the ultimate truth is that we are joy.


copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Buy one book -- $19.99 plus shipping

Buy two books -- $33.00 plus shipping

60 day promise -- If you choose to get this book, then I highly recommend you bring your highest intention to work this material deeply, with all your strength and courage, and over the long haul. Do so for up to 6 months, and if you choose, you can send the book(s) back for a full refund, less the price of shipping.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Our fierce commitment to anchor the highest love into the body

This mastermind of the heart is for spiritual, courageous warriors who are committed to manifesting a deeper awareness and consciousness of pure love within the cells and atoms of our bodies. These people come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. 

From lawyers to light-workers, from work at home moms to busy entrepreneurs, from artists to construction workers, from massage therapists to insurance agents, from inventors to poets. 

The outer form our lives take does not matter. 

What matters is that -- deep down -- we know ourselves as love. We are created from the very fabric of the divine. We are born of infinity, dance in infinity, and return to infinity once more. Again and again we come in and out of form with that dazzling light in our eyes.

More than that, we are not interested in bypassing our emotions, our problems, our relationships, our pain, or our challenges. We are here to embrace it all, and to live from a grounded state of the divine. We are committed to allowing love -- the highest expression of our souls -- to come through us-- to live through us -- to become us. 

This is beyond religion and beyond identification with a particular path. 

Love is the thread that weaves them all together, and all of us together. 

For myself, this process of awakening the love I am really took off in the fall of 2011. I went to a weekend energy healing workshop in Texas. During that workshop, there was an energetic exercise where we literally downloaded the fully realized essence of our goals into each of our chakras, beginning with the chakras that exist beyond the body, and proceeding down into the chakras inside the body.

My goal was to manifest the highest love that I am in every single area of my life, from my health to my finances, from my relationships to my creativity. Literally, within every last particle of my life, in body, mind, and spirit -- love had to fully manifest. 

Little did I know, but the next six years would be the most challenging and painful years of my life. Everything crashed around me. Moving across 6 states. Getting divorced. Going through a deeply painful adoption disruption. Being suicidal. Lots of intense breathwork. Getting sessions from some deeply amazing healers. And finally coming to the point of getting my two books written. One, on reinventing my relationship with money and abundance, and two, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind.

Right now, I am sitting in a coffee house in the mountains of Southern California. My daughter is playing spastically and energetically on the chair next to me. There is a huge line for coffee. My Love Manifest Now Audios are playing in my ear. My heart feels bruised, heavy, broken, sad -- but with a clear, clean burst of love-energy flowing through it. I am also feeling enormously joyous, clear, and free. 

Yes, we can embody more than one emotion -- as love is the energy that embraces and feels all of them.

I am committed to practicing sending the love through my hands (described in the book) and into the heart-space that I hold there. I am committed to tapping each of the 8 Commands into my chest and body every single day. It is time that we take the vibration of love within us up several notches -- higher and higher. 

No more pretending to be small so that other people will love us.

This planet needs us -- the spiritual warriors who are willing to face and feel everything -- and love ourselves unconditionally in the process. There are so many of us -- in fact -- inside every human being is a giant of love waiting to wake up.

The beautiful thing is, that we are waking up. 

We are shedding our costumes of limitation.

We are remembering who we are.

And have always been.



copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

How about you? Has the energy of the divine totally rearranged your furniture without your consent? How has love shattered your heart and carried you to higher shores?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Yogananda on Affirmations

Paramahansa Yogananda on affirmations:

“Repeat it vigorously from low voice to loud, from loud to whisper, and lastly from a whisper to mental affirmations, until one feels that is he is repeating the phrase with varying depths of soul feeling —that is, until one finally realized the meaning of his utterance in every fiber of his being. This is at-one-ment with one’s own affirmations through audible and mental chanting. The moment the phrase reaches the superconsciousness and the inner intuitive conviction of the soul, a volley of energy will shoot down through the spine and into the body; the vibration of that current will heal body, mind, and soul, electrocuting physical disease germs, paralyzing mental fears, and conflagrating soul ignorance into ashes.”


That is the goal of these commands -- total, embodied, deep, and profound liberation.



Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Being Love Means Feeling Everything

It is day 39 of my 12 year commitment to transmit the life force energy of love through my heart, mind, and hands every day. This process is described in detail in the book, with a good explanation here. I have not missed a day so far. It feels amazingly good.

I am so thrilled and fulfilled with my book. When I was editing it last Sunday, I found myself in tears more than once because I truly love this book. I love myself for writing it. It feels so much like my heart and soul.

I told myself that if I died that day, I would die fulfilled. Writing this book has been a major part of my mission to increase the love on this planet.

The 8 Commands of Awakened Love are programs for the human heart-field and subconscious mind that help raise our vibration of love, clear old patterns, awaken spiritually, and love ourselves and others more clearly. They are for the spiritual warriors who are here to help nurture and facilitate the awakening of love all around the planet.

I have been writing on my other blog every day since August 15, 2017. I am wanting to make a similar commitment on this blog, however, I am concerned about over-taxing myself. Is it possible to post on two blogs every day?


I just don't want to derail myself.

I am committed to bringing this book to the hearts and minds of as many people as possible. I truly believe that this book can help people heal themselves, their relationships, and the world we live in.

I envision a world where the clarity and energy of love prevails.  In the cells of our bodies and in our towns and cities. In the interior world of our thoughts and on the screen of our outer conditions. In the relationships we have with ourselves and the relationships we have with each other.

Love, compassion, kindness, inner freedom and joy -- all manifested in each and every area of our lives.

That is my vision.

Awakening the intrinsic wholeness of pure love within us does not mean that we escape from painful feelings and emotions. On the contrary, being love means that we feel all the discomfort, all the pain, and all the pleasure and the joy as well.

So this book, this path, this journey is not about escape, but about being embodied in these bodies as our highest love. It is a very grounded experience.

Not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.



copyright 2017 Danny Peebles.

P.S. ---> I am going to write more often on this blog. As an act of self-love for writing this book, and as an act of love to the world. I am committed to getting this work out there. If you are reading this, and the idea of anchoring your highest love inside the deepest reaches of your body appeals to you -- then I invite you to join this mastermind. Get the book. Tap the commands into your body every day. Start out with 120 days, and beyond.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Day 24 --- Love is Going Strong

I am so grateful that I am still going strong. Love is flowing through me -- Love is going strong -- I am the witness of this River.

It is Day 24 of a 12 year journey of transmitting the Universal Energy of Pure Love into the Heart-Space between my hands. My book has been printed and it is on the way.  I feel major momentum building inside me.

This planet is in full swing -- from being ruled by fear to being liberated in love. I place my book at the sacred feet of future generations of super human hearts who will develop abilities, born in the energy of love, that will appear miraculous. But it will all just be "a day at the office" for the energy of love, which can do anything through the heart that realizes itself as love.

This does not mean emotional bypassing. It does not mean taking trips into fantasy lands of enlightenment. It means growing up from the marrow of our bones. It means feeling everything that is ours to feel while constantly reaching for higher and deeper states of being the love we are.

Myself, I have gone through several days of angst, agitation, irritation, anger, fear, and bewilderment. It feels like a lot got cleared from my cells and atoms in the past few days. It is all good.

I am also feeling deep sadness for all the "me too" posts on Facebook. Literally every woman I know has been sexually assaulted or harassed by men at some point in their lives. As a man, there is a big part of my mind that is blind to this, because I have not had to live that experience. Yes, I suffered through horrendous sexual abuse as a child, and was sexually assaulted on a massage table by a so-called massage therapist. But that is not the point.

The point is that women have to deal with this crap every day. They have had to endure this epidemic for centuries. So every time I see a "me too" I just breathe deeply, open my chest, and listen without words.

With love,


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Day 22 -- Digging in for the long haul.

This work is not about achieving a state of comfort -- but instead is about being love fully in the midst of all discomfort.

It is about accepting all of our experience, painful or pleasant.

It is about embracing our bodies and all the feelings, sensations, emotions, and experiences that come with it.

It is about honoring our fallibility, our humanness, and striving to love ourselves and each other unconditionally.

It is about coming back again, and again, and yet again -- to the breath, to love, to our hearts, and to each other. No matter how many times we fall, get sidetracked, deluded, derailed -- we just keep coming back to the pulsating joy of love in our hearts that accepts it all.

In this blog, I vow to be fully human and vulnerable. I vow to share honestly about how I am doing from day to day. I will not pretend to be happy and content when I am really sad and angry. I will not pretend to be dancing on clouds of joy if I am wading through the mud of my cells and atoms. This is grounded work. There are no bypasses available.

I will be as raw and as open as I can -- and share candidly about how these 8 commands are rearranging my cells, atoms, mind, and memories. I will share honest stories from my childhood as a way to illustrate specific points and principles along the way.

What will not be presented on this blog, ever:

~Political opinions of any kind. I am just not going there.

This is my commitment. Behind the outer dross of politics and opinion, are living breathing human beings doing the very best we can to live and thrive in a complex world. This blog seeks to honor the human inside the chest, behind all the masks that we wear. So this is a politics-free zone. 



copyright 2017 Danny Peebles

Friday, October 13, 2017

Day 20 --- I am moving forward

I am so happy and grateful that I am still moving forward and transmitting the energy of love through my heart and hands every day. I am building this energy space daily.

This is day 20.

Since I began this new 12 year adventure, I have not missed a single day.

Also -- I have published my first draft of my book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. It feels fantastic. In this book, I have laid out 8 Commands of Awakened Love for the human heart-field. These commands involve awakening to the love we are, being a conduit of love, tapping into our vulnerability, channeling the sound of Aum, anchoring into gratitude and freedom, practicing radical self-forgiveness, awakening our ever-new joy, and holding ourselves and the planet within our heart-spaces of love.

I believe that these commands -- these thoughts -- can help thousands of people awaken to the truth of themselves as the love that needs no name or form to be. I offer this book at the feet of future generations of heart-awakened giants of unconditional love. I believe that the seeds of this great potential has been living inside us -- and we are now waking up.

I am under no delusions of ego -- because there are many books and many modalities to help humanity raise to higher states of functioning. My work is just one small piece in this greater tapestry of awakening. I am grateful to have put my book into circulation.

In a week or so, I will get my first draft for me to review...

In the meantime, I am building this energy in my heart and mind...



Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 7 -- still going strong

I am grateful to check in and report that I am still sending the energy of love into the Infinite Quantum Heart-Space between my hands. I haven't missed a day for 7 days. This is the very early steps of a 12 year journey.

I am finding that this practice washes out the cobwebs and keeps me aligned with my higher purpose of increasing the potency and power of pure love in the world. I am making my contribution, which feels really good.

I am going to get back to finishing my book now.

Just wanted to check in with myself and this blog and say -- AWESOME!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day 3 -- feeling great

It is now day 3 of my 4,380 day commitment to send the energy of love into the heart-space between my hands. I am nearing completion of my book, which I fully intend will hold and communicate a high charge of unconditional love to anyone who touches, reads, and works with the 8 commands of awakened love contained within it.

On this 3rd day, I stopped on my way up Highway 243 on my way back from court (I am a lawyer). I parked my car at the Lake Fulmer parking lot, and pulled open my heart-space and held it between my hands. I communicated love into this space for around 15 minutes. My minimum is 12 minutes every day.

I am hoping to do another session tonight.

I want to honor another "me" from the past -- Danny of January 1, 2010. On that day, I made this very same type of commitment. I committed to send the love into my book, The Universal Life Force Energy Exchange, every day for 12 years. This was a book where I pasted names and photos of people and sent them the energy. It is an earlier version of my current work.

I think I lasted from 1 to 2 years. I totally honor this beautiful earlier version of me. He made a gallant effort. The changes that were coming to him were monumental. The emotional pain that was coming to him was excruciating.

The love that he sent for that 1 to 2 years helped him get through the next 7.

Now, I am inviting him into my heart-space.

Together, we are going to transmit the highest vibration of pure universal love into the heart-space between our hands.

4,377 days to go.



Day 2 under my belt

I am so happy and grateful to have completed day 2 of this incredible 12 year journey. More to come...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

My 12 Year Daily Commitment To Transmit Love to the Heart-Space Between My Hands

I am so honored and so deeply humbled to be making the commitment to transmit the energy of love through my hands -- and into the quantum space between my hands -- every day for 12 continuous years without missing a day. So that would be from today, Sunday, September 24, 2017 through Monday, September 24, 2029.

I am working on a book that will describe this method in more detail, but for now, here is a brief description on how to create an energy space of love between the hands -- and to send love into that space:

1. Hold your hands apart with the palms facing each other. Imagine you are holding an imaginary ball of light. It could be the size of a soccer ball, a softball, or a cantaloupe. Just imagine that this ball of energy is between your hands. You could also cup your hands together with plenty of open space between your palms. You get the idea.

2. Connect with your heart-space of love.

3. Begin taking deep and continuous breaths. Filling and emptying your belly and lungs completely. With each in-breath, expand and raise your heart-center to merge with the highest vibration and consciousness of love that you are. With each out-breath, flood that energy of love through your heart, through both hands, and through your third eye -- and into that space between your hands.

4. Keep breathing and flooding the love, and keep your breaths continuous and unbroken, with no pauses between them.

5. Do this for more than 12 minutes, preferably longer.

6. When you are finished, imagine that you are placing that ball of light into the center of your chest.

So that is the basic method. More will be discussed in my upcoming book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind, soon to be self-published.

With the power of your intentional imagination, place people, geographic areas, relationships, animals, and even the entire planet between your hands. The truth is that love is the energy that is equally present in every rock, object, tree, person, plant, animal, and molecule of air and water on earth. Love is also present in all moments of time and space as well.

The more you send the love into the space between your hands -- and keep practicing, day in and day out, you will get better and better at it. You will feel and see the energy flowing. Your consciousness of love will grow bigger and more amazing by the day.

I just wanted to rip out a post that declares to the inner and outer universe the exact nature of this commitment:

I will send the energy of my highest love into the quantum heart-space between my hands every day for 12 continuous years, without missing a single day. I will do this for more than 12 minutes every day. I will deliberately set aside conscious time to do this to where I am focused solely upon this sacred practice. As long as I am alive and breathing, I will be sending the energy of this love to all lthat I consciously place into this space through the power of my deliberate intent and creative imagination.

I now send the energy of my love, persistence, and determination to each and every day along the path of the following 4,380 days. I send my love to the Danny who made it to Monday, September 24, 2029, and open my heart to receive the love flowing back from him. We are both collapsing time together in the holy sacred name of love. We are both sending love to every moment of the following, and preceding 12 years.

Letter back from future Danny of September 24, 2029

(In this space, I promise to write a letter back to myself, sharing my insights and sending my love back to the me of today, right now. I am feeling tingles of love flowing from the future. I really am)

Letter back from Danny of January 20, 2018

Hey buddy, I totally love you. You made it almost four months -- so today, we are starting again. You game? Great!

Let's go!




P.S. ---> I am probably a month away from publishing my latest book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind -- which is a collection of 8 heart-commands of awakened love that we get to anchor into our hearts and minds together -- all while sacredly entangled and commingled in the greater energy of universal love.