Welcome to The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. This space is an energetic broadcast of universal love. You are invited to take some deep inhaling and exhaling breaths, relax, and absorb the energy for your benefit. You will find insight into the 8 Commands of Awakened Love, along with affirmations and insights that are saturated with this love.
My cells are ever-awakening in the sunlight of love within.
This is a simple affirmation and command of the heart to help awaken all our cells in the sunlight of love. To practice this, simply take several deep breaths, and then tap your chest with an open hand while you repeat the above command 12 times in a row with ever-increasing passion.
This affirmation is one of many that are contained within The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind, and is thus infused with ever-increasing flows of pure energy and love. So as you repeat this affirmation of love, you are receiving this energy for your highest good.
The practice is to repeat the affirmation with such inner physical and emotional intensity that no other contrary thought can possible co-exist inside your mind and body.
I now hold in my mind the image of wholeness, harmony, and perfect health. The Infinite Loving Intelligence that created me and all my organs is now saturating every atom of my being, and a river of peace flows through me now. I now align myself with the infinite principles of love and life, and I know and decree that harmony, health, and peace are now being expressed in my body.
Slowly repeat the above statement while gently and rhythmically tapping the center of your chest with an open hand. Intend that your body relaxes deeper and deeper with each spoken word. And finally, as you do, feel into the heart-connection with everyone else repeating the above statement.
The above statement is designed for us to repeat when we are feeling scared about our health. It was inspired by the work of Dr. Murphy in The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
In this moment, I smile deeper into the ever-opening space of my vulnerable heart - and I fiercely nurture, protect, and celebrate my own immortal innocence.
This is the 3rd command of The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. It's purpose is to help us connect with our own sweetness, our own vulnerability, softness, and innocence -- and to also guard, protect, nurture, and celebrate that innocence.
Repeat the above command 12 times while tapping your chest. Do your best to go as deep into your vulnerable heart as you can. Then keep coming back to repeat the process as often as you can.
The first command affirms that the highest love we are is manifest completely in every area of our lives. The second command affirms that we are vessels of unconditional love for our benefit and the benefit of the planet. These two commands really stir up a lot, so the third command comes along to help us connect with, protect, love, and honor everything inside us -- what hurts, and what feels good.
At our core, we are pure innocence. Our divine, inner children can lead us to deep places of insight, joy, and abundance. This command, when we deeply anchor it inside our chests and minds over time, can help facilitate the beautiful process of connecting to our inner children.
This command is also infused with universal life-force energy (love) for the greatest, most immediate benefit of anyone and everyone who ever repeats, feels, and vibrates it within their being.
In short, being emotionally and spiritually open and vulnerable with people we trust is crucial to success and growth in each and every area of our lives.
I now flood the energy of universal love through my mind and body in all moments. I love myself unconditionally, and I open even deeper now to receive and give this love to all life everywhere.
This is command #2 of The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. Tap your chest in a rhythmic manner and repeat the above command twelve times from the heart, and with passionate emotional intensity. The above statement is heart-infused with the energy of universal love. Each time you repeat it, not only are you building an internal state of transcendent self-love, you are also receiving this pure energy of love that is communicated into and through it on a perpetual basis -- and all in ways that are for your highest and greatest good.
In the above command of the heart, we are connecting our human heart with our universal hearts. We are calling forth the deluge of love from our higher selves, and loving ourselves with that transcendent energy. At the same time, we are opening on an emotional level to receive that love, and to also extend the flow of that love to all life around us. So we are loving ourselves unconditionally, but also doing it as an act of service to all life.
Transcendent self-love is the antidote to narcissistic self-obsession. We are using the cells of our bodies, our thoughts, our memories, our experiences -- all of it -- as vessels through which we are communicating the highest love that we are, into the earth and all of life.
Transcendent self-love is the antidote to war and violence. Ground zero of this war is the cells and atoms of our bodies and minds. If we can end the war here, inside our bone marrow and red blood cells, tissues and memories, traumas and emotions -- then we will come to witness peace on the outer levels of life. Inner peace leads to outer peace. It is never the other way around. We cannot force peace on the world and then hope to feel okay in our hearts and minds. We must feel and embody, know and experience peace inside, and then it will naturally extend outward. Peace comes from within and from no place else.
Command #2 of The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is intentionally placed at the feet of awakening souls who want to anchor a deep and profound state of universal self-love inside their chests. With repeated practice, day in and day out, this loving connection with our higher self will blossom. We will love ourselves deeply, unconditionally, fiercely, passionately, and compassionately. This will lead to transformations in our health, connections, and abundance.
When you repeat the above command -- feel into the ecstatic spiritual connection with everyone else who is doing the same thing in any moment in time, and in any place on this planet. We are all connected in the energy and consciousness of love. This is a magnificent truth to feel and to know.
Keep coming back to this page as many times as you like to repeat it 12 more times. As you do, it will become more potent, more magnetized, and more alive for the rest of us.
Danny copyright 2018 Danny Peebles
The book:
The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind (a book that both connects hearts and minds in the energy of love to download and anchor the 8 Commands of Awakened Love, and also communicates and transmits that love for the immediate benefit of all life)
I now align myself with the Infinite Source of Love from which I emerged, in which I find my being, and in which I live in every moment. I am love. I am loved. I am lovable. I am loving. I am the essence of the universal fabric of intelligent compassion, joy, and love. I join my heart-field with all others in recognizing, internalizing, and embodying this living truth.
Tap your chest with an open hand in a relaxing, gentle, and rhythmic manner as you slowly repeat the above statement. Do it three times. You are connecting your heart-center on an energetic level with everyone else who is doing this, regardless of when or where they may be tapping in.
Love is everywhere present all the time.
Anytime you feel out of sorts, off, lonely, or frustrated -- come back to this page and repeat this statement again.
The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.
This is the basic, foundational command of The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind. It is a powerful call, an invocation, a sacred invitation, and a powerful affirmation that our highest love is now anchored within every cell and atom of our bodies and minds.
The practice is to energetically anchor the words, essence, and truth of that command within our heart-fields, chests, bodies, and minds. As this begins to happen, then our cells, atoms, memories, and everything else inside the subconscious regions of our bodies -- all begin to transmute and reshape in the image of the highest love that we are.
The practice is to feel the truth of the statement, to speak it repeatedly, and to broadcast it on silent energetic levels -- and all for the benefit of all life everywhere.
Everything starts from within. All life is created from within. Everything we see in the world first started as a thought or an idea. All the stuff we don't like is rooted inside us.
As we repeat this command, feel it, and energetically embody its truth -- we will start witnessing our lives transform. The world we witness will eventually come into alignment with the most pure, sweet, tender, beautiful, and transcendent love that we are.
Feel free to anchor this command into your heart-center daily. Repeat it in 12 repetition mini sessions. Do it often. You will begin to embody your highest love, and also receive the beneficial waves of love that flow through it.