
Sunday, March 25, 2018

The implications of love's full manifestation within, through, and as the human body

The whole premise of these 8 commands is that we have higher selves - that there are higher aspects and angels of our nature - that there is a love that is higher than our personalities, bodies, problems, dramas, and egos - that we are eternal, infinite beings - that all of this life is nothing more than a temporary lightning flash in the memory of our souls. The whole practice is to take that highest love that we are in spirit, and bring it down and see it manifest in our bodies, our minds, our relationships, and in every other area of our lives.

How would my life look and feel when I let everything go and fully awaken, remember, and embody the love that I am?

I keep asking - and this asking is itself an aching.

The implications are staggering, and the practice can be uncomfortable and frightening at times. This is because it involves the surrendering of our egos, of the ideas that we cling to so fervently, and of the daily routines that make us feel so safe.

But that safety is an illusion. We are not really safe -- meaning -- our bodies are destined to land on the "all you can eat" buffet table of worms. Then there is emotional safety we seek -- no such thing. We can never keep things, circumstances, and people outside of us from changing so that we don't have to feel emotionally uncomfortable. It isn't going to happen. Yet, we cling. And cling, and cling.

So what does a life look and feel like when the energy of pure, unconditional, universal, and transcendent love fully blossoms, rises up, remembers itself, and lives through and as the human body and mind?

Speaking for myself, what does this mean to me? What will this look like? Feel like? Be like?

This contemplation is scary and exhilarating at the same time.

These questions are themselves a quest. It is forever unfolding from moment to moment, with no concrete answer, no complete definition, no right and wrong -- this is because the energy of love is a river with no boundaries, always overflowing it's so-called banks, accepting everything as it is, always overflowing, always extending its reach beyond the impossible.

I believe that when the human body becomes the fully manifested expression of pure love, then we will see abilities and insights arise within us that will stagger the imagination. We will become multi-faceted -- totally awake spiritually, while fully rooted and grounded physically. Many of the problems that we face as a species will be spontaneously solved, and rendered moot, when we dissolve our consciousness in pure love.

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

This command of the heart contains the fully awakened energetic signature of love's full manifestation within and as the human body and mind. The practice is to repeat it emotionally, energetically, with feeling and passion, and from the center of our energetic heart-fields. As we drop this thought into our chests, we get it into our bodies, our cells, and our subconscious minds.

The first command of this mastermind is therefore foundational. Meaning, if we really dove head and heart-first into this one, then all the rest will be automatic realities. All are contained in love, and love is contained in each.

I am fully committed to realizing the truth that this command points to. And I now consciously and deliberately send out a heart-call to all others, aligning silently in spirit with all of you to see the awakening of love happen on a mass scale all over this planet.



The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind

copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Manifesting our highest love can make us uncomfortable

I have been repeating this heart-energy, love-juiced command of the heart many thousands of times this past week:

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

... and I am feeling a lot of stuff coming up. Loneliness. A sprinkle of depression. A profound self-criticism. But on even deeper levels, stuff is shifting. I am questioning myself in a real and powerful way - so the self-criticism hasn't boiled over into self-hatred. I am noticing the plunge of self-confidence, and the...


What I feel it might be, is a younger version of myself rising up, breaking free from the cages of memory, and letting me know he doesn't like what I am doing with my life. More honesty in my writing, going to more raw and open places, speaking my pain, speaking my truth, and letting go of what other people might think of it. Taking more risks. Being more vulnerable. These are some of the things my soul is crying for at the moment.

It feels like a healthy process, an uncomfortableness that is trying to shake me up to a higher expression of what I am supposed to be doing.

The abundance blog of mine is annoying. I am here to do way more than merely manifest abundance. I am here to love in such deep and visceral ways that the vibration of that love out lasts the days that my body will be on this earth. So what am I doing? What the living, holy f#4k am I doing?

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

This affirmation is what I am doing - and what I am doing is shedding everything else that doesn't matter to the end purpose of my life -- which is to vibrate at such a high but grounded level of pure love that I disappear.

A tall order - one in which, in my humanness, I fear I may never reach -- but therein is found the lie: that to be human means we can never manifest our divinity. The opposite is true -- that love can manifest in the mud of the valley as much as in the majesty of the mountaintops. And this is through the power of compassion.

Compassion toward self, first and foremost. Then compassion toward our neighbor comes only because we have developed a compassion for our darkness.

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

Drop into your chest and repeat this affirmation with passionate emotional intensity 12 times in a row. In doing this, you are receiving the inner waves of life force energy (love) that I am continually pouring into it, and that others are and will be continually pouring into it as well.

Feel the command. When you find yourself locked in your head and thinking about it, drop back into your chest and feel it. Right smack dab in the center of your chest -- feel it from there. Then the thought is directly populated into the subconscious mind -- where it will germinate and grow, and give birth to still more potent and powerful thoughts.



The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind

copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Establishing a deep and continuous repetition of Command #1

Command #1 has been getting deeper and deeper into my chest, mind, and body -- and I am feeling more clear, more alive, more smooth, and more awake by the day. For the past several days, I have been repeating it constantly. I have been working on creating a continuous repetition of the command in my chest. My intention is for it to live in my body and for me to spontaneously awaken to the ultimate love that I am, beyond all form, yet embracing my human experience.

Here is how I am doing that:

1. I repeat the affirmation/command, and as I do, I drop my awareness down into the center of my chest and see, feel, intend, and imagine that the words are being spoken from my energetic heart-field.

2. I keep breathing deeply and repeating the command, and each time I feel like I am stuck in my head, I drop back down again into my heart and keep repeating it from there. It is simply a process of coming back to the heart-field again and again -- and broadcasting the command from there.

3. As I fall asleep at night, I repeat the command.

4. I dive deeply into my sincerity, purity, and innocence as I repeat it.

5. I envision and imagine that great Spiritual Masters are sitting before me, and I am declaring to them that the highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

6. I have been listening to my audios that I created to help anchor the affirmation/command into my chest, mind, and body.

I have also been channeling Reiki/Energy/Love into my book which contains the command every day. So each time I repeat it, I am receiving all this energy. I am also receiving ALL THE ENERGY and ALL THE LOVE that anyone, anywhere, sends into to the command.

The same can be true for you. Just by repeating the command from inside your chest, mind, and body with as much feeling as possible - you can be receiving this pure energy that flows only for your highest good.

The 1st Command:

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

(Repeat that 12 times now while tapping your chest with an open hand -- and see if you can feel the energy of love that it is continuously being saturated with)

The result is that I am feeling happier and happier. I am feeling the command take root and live in my body as my living truth.

Of course, any feelings that come up, I allow myself to feel them.

The practice is to step my body into pure light, and to step the pure light that I am, into my body. The goal is for this body to dissolve in the pure light of love.

It really isn't the words of the command or affirmation that is doing the work - but where the command points to. The command points to the limitless awareness behind all thoughts, all words, all form.

We are the love that has never needed names or stories to be.

We are free.



You can read more about the book here:

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind

copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

Friday, March 16, 2018

Manifest the highest love in this body in this lifetime

My intention is to fully awaken and manifest the highest love that I am, in this body, in this lifetime. 

I was repeating command #1 the thought hit me that this must be my highest goal, or the accomplishment of any of my other goals will not mean anything at all. The highest love that I am in spirit, in truth, must manifest and awaken in every cell of my body, in every thought, every memory, and in every particle of my being -- all in this lifetime.

Command #1:

The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

This is the thought I am heart-broadcasting on a subconscious level to all humanity through the medium of my heart-field. It is a sacred offering. Contained within this statement are waves upon waves of universal life force energy, and contained within this statement is the essence of love's full awakening within and as the human body. Ultimately, our bodies will be pure love, transparent, vibrating at the highest levels, and perfectly free to awaken its inborn powers of service, ecstasy, and miracle manifestation.

I will get this thought, awaken this love, in my chest, in my body, fully and completely, in this lifetime. This is my steadfast goal. And I am grateful in advance to all those who join me in this sacred inner quest.

What is so beautiful, is that each time I repeat this command -- my heart-center connects on a silent level with every other being who ever repeats it in any moment in time. We are all entangled in this ecstasy, this joy, this pure bliss of love.



The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is a quantum interface, a heart-commingled energetic community of love. As we repeat this command in our own bodies -- we are sending ripples of compassion, hope, understanding, kindness, forgiveness, love, and joy to every last human being on earth, and to all life everywhere.

copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

Monday, March 12, 2018

Peace in our cells equals peace in our cities

If we can have peace in our cells, we can have peace in our cities. All the violence, pain, and suffering that we see in the world are merely images of our subconscious minds reflected back to us on the world screen. The inner creates the outer. It is never the other way around.

So if we go within and find a way to bring peace to our bodies and minds -- if we can pardon and release all old thoughts, habits, and patterns that are self-injurious -- if we can find a way to radically forgive ourselves -- then we can begin to see that inner peace reflected back to us in the world.

The 6th Command of The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind:

In the holy sacred name of love - I now radically and unconditionally forgive myself on the deepest levels of my body and mind.

Tap your chest and anchor this beautiful statement inside your chest bone. Plant it in the body. Water it with love. Keep coming back every day to do the same. In time, you will come to forgive yourself.

Self-forgiveness equals world peace.

But it takes time, persistence, inner effort, and emotional courage.


copyright 2018 Danny Peebles


The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is a revolutionary book that contains 8 Commands of Awakened Love to help us rouse the love that we are, flood love through our bodies for our own healing and the healing of others, deepen our gratitude, awaken our joy, forgive ourselves, and envision a planet full of peace and compassion for all life. It is about waking up the divine love in our cells so we can see this love manifest in our world.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

I AM is the most powerful affirmation in the universe

I AM is the most powerful affirmation in the universe. It is inexorably linked to the Sound of AUM. It is the first cause of all that is. The one sound that penetrates, gives birth to, and receives all shapes, all forms, and all variations of sounds back into itself.

I AM is the voice of silence, the voice of stillness. Follow I AM into the unfathomable depths of being, beyond all form, all sight, and all appearances.

Repeat I AM 12 times in a row while tapping the center of your chest with an open hand. See and imagine that the words I AM are literally planted inside your chest bone, and hovers in the middle of your body. Repeat the two words with such intensity, such inner power, that all sleeping cells in your body simply must wake up to the blueprint of pure light that is enfolded within them.

Breathe deeply, expanding your belly and your chest as you reach and expand your heart above your head, reaching for the heavens of higher dimensions, where I AM is the one primordial truth. Breathing out, flood I AM consciousness and energy through your open heart-field, through every cell of your body, into the earth, and offering this ecstasy to all life everywhere.

I AM contains the universe.

You are I AM.

You, therefore, contain the universe.

Enfolded and smiling inside the marrow of your bones, the universe lives, breaths, and is forever aching to unfold.

In speaking, and more importantly, in feeling the words I AM reverberate through every atom and particle of your being, you are giving the enfolded universe permission to unfold through you now.


copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind

Saturday, March 10, 2018

The purpose of life is love

I now communicate the highest love that I am through my human mind and body for the benefit of all life on this planet.

Our bodies are transmission stations of love. Each cell, each atom, heart, mind -- all are designed to give and receive the purest, sweetest, and most ecstatic love.

When we can open up to receive our highest love, embody our highest love, and give our highest love - then we can discover our inborn freedom.

The purpose of life is love.

We can even channel love through our human forms with such an intensity, that our bodies disappear from our inner sight. There is an affirmation contained in The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind that I love so much. It is so simple, but represents my highest goals for this life:

Where once I saw a body, now I see and feel only love.

Drop that one into your heart-field. Speak it with sincerely while dropping your mind into the center of your chest.

It is like walking up to the ocean and then diving off the peer, plunging into her unfathomable depths, only to discover that we are the ocean, too.

We are drawn from the cloth of love, and we embody the whole of love inside our seemingly fragile and temporary human forms. But I believe the body was born to, its destiny is, to return to a state of embodied light. Where we simply broadcast the highest most penetrating vibration of love, that joy literally steps in and inhabits us.

Where once we saw drama, pain, heartache, suffering, and death - we now see all these as merely disguises for the one truth: that we are love now, and forever have been, and always will be.

I am infinite love. 

I was born from love.

I live in unlimited love.

I am loved, now and always.

I am lovable, always have been.

I am loving, it is my very nature.

I am love itself.

In this knowing, I am free.


Danny Peebles
copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind is a book that connects hearts and minds in the energy and consciousness of pure love - and all for the highest good of all life on earth.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

By deliberate intent, this book is an energy space of commingled love

By sacred, deliberate intent - this book, The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind, is an energy space of commingled, heart-awakened love. By opening its pages, reading it, and repeating the 8 Commands of Awakened Love -- you are receiving this energy that flows perpetually for your highest, greatest, and most immediate benefit and good.

Every day for the past several weeks and months, I have held this book between my hands, or rested my hands upon this book, breathed deeply and passionately -- and transmitted the energy of universal love (Reiki) into its pages.

All copies of this book are intentionally and energetically intwined with each other through the law of quantum entanglement. This means that the energy of pure love that I (or you, or anyone) sends into this book, reaches now anyone and everyone who ever picks it up or repeats this sacred 8 commands from within the center of their chests.

Further, this book is also an energy broadcast. So that by simply holding it in your hands or resting it on your chest, you are receiving the energy of love that is communicated perpetually through its pages. You can receive positive chi, or energy vibrations, each and every time you work with this book in any way.

This is all through the Law of Universal Energy, or Love.

Love is the energy and consciousness that is everywhere and everywhen present. So that, should you get this book and send your sweetest, most sincere love into its pages, then that love will reach anyone and everyone who ever picks it up, whether they do so years in the future or years in the past, or whether they do so from across the room or across the planet. Love collapses time and awakens all hearts in the eternal now.


copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

Learn more about this book below:

The Love-Awakening Energetic Mastermind