
Sunday, January 21, 2018

When I love myself I love the planet

When I love myself I love the planet.

My body is the earth....

And the earth is my body.

To make the biggest difference in the world, to increase the powers of compassion, kindness, justice, and freedom for all life on this planet, it is my sacred honor to keep my body container filled to overflowing with unconditional love. The cells of my body will then be quantum beacons, silently broadcasting the energy of love on invisible waves of forgiveness to all life on this planet.

The highest healing and evolution of this planet begins with my own healing and evolution. The whole has to begin with the individual parts -- because each of us are holographic representations of the whole.

So the quest becomes, how can I more clearly fill my body and mind with love? How can I more sincerely love, honor, accept, and appreciate myself?

And ultimately, can I give myself permission to see, to feel, and to know that by the simple practice of self-love, I am making the biggest difference in the world?


copyright 2018 Danny Peebles

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